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A puzzle

I thought it would be fun to do a puzzle so I dumped out the contents of this 1000-piece puzzle box onto the dining table.  It's a small table so it barely fits the...

Bear hug

"Hey Ajdin," Uncle Tibbs called out to me.  "Come here." "Why?" I asked. "Just come here." "Okay," I said. "Come closer, Ajdin."  I eyed Uncle Tibbs suspiciously.  I think he is up to something. "Why?" "Just come a little closer!"...

Baking an apple crisp

I'm going to put the apples I bought at the farm stand to good use today and bake an apple crisp.  I've got some apple crisp mix here and some nice Granny Smith apples. The...

Road trip

Uncle Tibbs and I decided to go on a road trip to visit some of my friends.  Since it is too far and too cold to walk, we took the car.  And since I...

No pants!

I went to my local neighborhood BearMart today to shop for a few things.  Interestingly, I came across a whole bunch of bears who, like me, do not like to wear pants!  Nice to...

Bath time

I've had a lot of fun adventures in 2013, but sometimes all that exploring and adventuring can get me dirty and smelly.  So I've decided to start out 2014 on a nice and clean...

a little about Bosnia

I guess I'll start off 2014 writing a little about my home country, Bosnia and Herzegovina.  The capital of Bosnia is Sarajevo, and that's where I'm from.  Here are some photos from my mom's...

Happy New Year!

"Ajdin, what are you doing for New Year's Eve tonight?" Uncle Tibbs asked. "Hmm... I don't know.  What do people in the United States do on New Year's Eve?" "Usually they have a party and watch...

Coffee shop

I haven't been on an outing in a while, so today I got to go to the coffee shop.  It was very busy in the shop but I was able to find a quiet,...

Christmas gift exchange

(I am a few days late in posting this but I thought you might like to read it anyways.) "Uncle Tibbs, you will not believe what happened!" I said excitedly. "Oh really?  What happened?" he asked. "I...


I got some mail a couple of days ago!  This time, it's from Little Fox. Ooooh, this is a beary nice outdoor winter scene.  Little Fox seems to be a very outdoorsy fox.  This picture...

Santa Claus

So today is the day when the big guy comes down the chimney.  At least, that's what I've heard, but I've never met him before so I am just a little bit skeptical.  I'm...

Bagel joke

Question: What's the best way to protect your bagel? Answer: Put some lox on it. Today's breakfast was a real treat - an everything bagel with cream cheese and lox! Yum!  That was really good.  Have a...


"Ajdin, come here!" said Uncle Tibbs, as he came back from the mailbox.  He had his usual newspaper tucked under his arm.  "There is some mail for you today." "But I never get any mail,...

Oh fudge!

Today was just a lazy Sunday afternoon... until my mom brought home a fudge kit!  I've never made fudge before, but I'm determined to help out the best that I can (and perhaps get...


Around this time of year, I always find myself eating more and sleeping more.  I told my mom because I thought maybe I need to see a doctor, but she said this is normal...

* First snow! *

I woke up this morning to a nice surprise - freshly fallen snow outside!  Yep, today is the first snow of the winter season. I decided to go outside and see this snow for myself....

Chinese lesson with Uncle Tibbs

Someone asked if Mr. Tibbs could speak Chinese.  I thought this was a good question since he said he spent some time there, so when he woke up, I asked him. "我会讲中文," he said to...

Special delivery

Today something beary interesting happened. There was a knock at the door and then a loud thud.  When I opened the door, I saw a large box. The box had this funny label on it.  I...

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving, a holiday that I did not know about until I came to the United States.  I am still learning a lot about this holiday and what it means.  So far, I...