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Heat advisory

I was walking with my mom in a hot, crowded parking lot a couple of days ago when I heard muffled cries for help.  Then I looked into a car window and saw another...

Mail from a mouse

A few days ago, my mom handed me several packages that I received in the mail.  Wow, look at all this stuff!  And it is all from the same mouse, the one and only Beanie...


"Ajdin, Ooogie, come here guys," Uncle Tibbs called.  "Look what I found - a nice round watermelon." "Ooooo," Ooogie said. "But how will we cut it?" I asked.  "Maybe we can ask my mom for a...

Piano concert ♪ ♫

Today, something beary interesting happened.  Uncle Tibbs was putting on a tie.  I had never seen him wear a tie before, or any piece of clothing for that matter. "Well Ajdin," he said, "my tuxedo...

Mowing the lawn

"Ajdin, if you are looking for me, I will be outside mowing the lawn," Uncle Tibbs said.  He went outside. Mowing the lawn, I thought.  I had never seen a bear mow the lawn before.  I...

Memorial Day

Today we remember all the bear and non-bear heroes who have served in the military.  Thank you for your service.

Arts and crafts: Bee magnet and giveaway

Hello!  I have been beary busy working on some fun projects lately, and today I am going to show you how to make a bee magnet.  This is a simple but fun craft to...


I went to the bowling alley for the first time today and played some games against a formidable opponent... Uncle Tibbs. First things first.  I got some bowling shoes from the man at the counter. Next,...


"Ajdin," Uncle Tibbs said, "let's have a Bear-B-Q." "Umm, what do you mean by that, Uncle Tibbs?" I asked.  I didn't like the sound of that. "That is simply when bears have a barbeque," he explained....

Happy Mother’s Day

Today is Mother's Day.  I think all moms, bear or non-bear, are beary special.  Remember to take the time to thank your mom today.  You should thank your mom everyday, in fact, because they...

Bear claw

There is an upside to getting stung by bees, that's for sure.  My mom has been giving me the beary special treatment.  (I am fully recovered from the sting but it doesn't hurt to...

Salmon jerky

Uncle Tibbs and I were watching a little TV when my mom surprised us with a snack.  Salmon jerky! "Oooh!" we both exclaimed.  We had never seen salmon jerky before.  I wasted no time opening...

A beary bad day.

Today was a beary bad day. "Ajdin, where are you?" Uncle Tibbs asked.  "Oh, there you are.  I was looking for you.  Hey, Ajdin... are you crying?" "NO.  NO, I AM NOT CRYING," I said, wiping...


Sometimes it's nice to do nothing. "Aaaaaajdin," Ooogie said.  "Whaaaaaaaat are youuuuuuuuuu doooooooooing?" "Nothing," I said. "That looooooooooooks niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice." "Ajdin, Ooogie," Uncle Tibbs said.  "What are you doing?" "Nooooooooooothing," we said. "Hmm, I think I'll join you." Sometimes it's really nice...


My mom mentioned that she had to pick up a few things from the supermarket so I offered to do it today while she was at work.  It's nice to be able to help...

Easter candy

Happy Belated Easter, everyone!  I got a chocolate bunny.  Did you get some good candy?  Don't forget to share your candy with your friends.  :)

A beary interesting question

Lately, I have been thinking about a beary interesting question.  I could not seem to find any answers on my own, so I went to Uncle Tibbs.  He seems to know quite a bit....

Outdoor exercise

The weather has been great lately, so that means more walks outside.  I even tried some of the exercise fitness stations on the hiking trail nearby. Oooh, balancing on this balance beam was beary tricky... Erghhh......


The weather was again beary good today so I went to the playground.  There were a few kids at the playground so I had to wait my turn for the swings. But it was worth...

Walk in the woods

The weather was beary nice today so I went for a walk in the woods.  I thought of Little Fox and of all his beautiful hiking photos.  It was so much fun that I think...