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After a few tries, I was able to catch my very own lobster!  I put him in my fishing pail.  I couldn't wait to try lobster for the first time. I opened my mouth to...


After a long drive, we finally arrived at our destination... Acadia National Park in Maine.  I heard they have beary good lobster here in Maine (I'm not sure if bears eat lobster though I'm...

Road trip

There was a lot of commotion going on in our house these past few days.  My mom was busy packing a suitcase and buying snacks (always beary important).  Then she said to pack my...


Today my mom asked me to go check the mailbox.  I wonder if we got any mail. I opened the mailbox and looked inside.  Bills for my mom, more bills for mom, even more bills...

Rescue operation

Today I was in my room taking a nap when I heard some sounds coming from the closet. It sounded like muffled cries for help.  I decided to investigate. I went in the closet and turned...

A visitor

This morning, the doorbell rang.  I went to see who it was.  There was a beary big bear at the door, as big as Uncle Tibbs. "Uh, hello?" I said. "Hello there, sweetie!  I'm looking for...


Recently, Uncle Tibbs and I had the pleasure of babysitting.  It was my first time babysitting. "Babies are fun to play with, Ajdin," he said, "but babysitting is also a beary tough job." "Uncle Tibbs, I'm...

My new outfit

After trying on several outfits at the Build-A-Bear store, I finally found something that I liked.  My mom bought it for me and we took it home.  I guess I should model it for...

Build-a-Bear Workshop

Now, I started to walk another few blocks and then I saw a beary interesting store... It was the Build-a-Bear Workshop!  I have heard about this beary famous place but I have never been there...

Special announcement: Bearthday cards for a non-bear

"Hello blog friends.  Uncle Tibbs, Ooogie and I are interrupting this regularly scheduled blog program to bring you news of a non-bear who needs our help. Perhaps you have heard on the news, but Danny...

Trip to NYC

I recently took a trip to New York City.  Now, if you can imagine a little bear going into a big city like NYC, it is a little bit scary.  There were so many...

Pool, anyone?

Today I played some pool.  It was a little difficult because there were no cue sticks in my size.  I started off the game by breaking the rack. Not a bad break, in my opinion....

Koala cookies

Today, I am going to be reviewing a kind of cookie.  Maybe you have tried these cookies before, but maybe not.  My mom really likes these cookies and keeps them stashed away on the...


Today I played some basketball.  As I stepped out onto the court, I thought of basketball stars such as Salmon O'Neal, Honeykeem Olajuwon, and of course Mackerel Jordan.  Now it was my turn. I stepped...

Salmondoah Valley

This weekend, my mom and I took a visit to the beautiful Shen...Shena...Shenan...oh hmm.  I have some trouble pronouncing the name, so I will just call it the beautiful Salmondoah Valley (I did not...

Salmon recipe

Mmm!  So I've got a beary delicious salmon recipe for you today.  I've been trying to encourage my mom to eat more fish because it's good for her (and tasty too).  I hope you...


A few days ago, my mom got me my own aquarium!  Now this is not your ordinary aquarium.  It already had some fish inside of it, and the instructions on the package said the...

Arts and crafts store

Recently my mom took me on a shopping trip to one of her favorite places - the arts and crafts store.  Hmm... so this is where she likes to spend her money.  There were...


Hello there!  Today I am going to show you how to do some cloudspotting.  Cloudspotting is something that not many bears and non-bears do nowadays.  It requires your full attention and imagination.  So please...

Mini golf

Today, I went mini-golfing for the first time.  It was so much fun!  First, I selected a golf ball.  There were so many colors to choose from.  I picked a red ball. Next, I picked...