Hi everyone! I know I’ve been kind of quiet on the blogging front lately, but hopefully that will change this year. How has everyone’s 2018 been so far?
Mine has been pretty good. I went to — hey!
Mom, can’t you see I’m blogging right now? Let me go!
Uh oh, I think I know what this is all about.
See, I haven’t had a bath in a long time, not once in 2017. There’s no getting out of it this time.
She really has it in for me. I took a deep breath as she tossed me into the water.
But with the bubbles and all, it’s not so bad. It’s beary relaxing actually. Look at the water – I was really dirty.
I requested some scented candles be lit for a spa-like effect. Hey, if you never ask, you’ll never know.
There was also a soft terry cloth bathrobe waiting for me. Alright, I’m all clean and ready for new adventures this year!
When was the last time you took a bath?
Hi Ajdin, I see you enjoying taking a bath too. I have it couple of times in one year. First my big friend started with dry wash (carpet cleanpowder…. AWFUL!!!) But later on she dared to put into the water and it was really good. Much better than the cleaning powder. Only the squeezing part after the bath moment is horrible, but knowing I am very fresh and clean afterwards, it is worth to take a bath and (unfortunately) to undergo the squeezing.
Yeah, it’s nice to take a bath, isn’t it? I agree, I don’t like the squeezing part very much, but my mom tries to be gentle with me.
That is good to know your mum is gentle with you. We bears need that!