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Tag: Sandy

Boxers or briefs?

I received a package from my friend Sandy a couple weeks ago. He also sent along a postcard with salmonberries on the front. Sandy wrote that he got these boxers sometime ago for a Bob T. Bear challenge and thought I might like them. I was beary intrigued,...

Mail update

We interrupt this road trip recap with this mail update! I received some cool mail from Sandy! How do I know it's from Sandy? Well, he has his very own postage stamp. I used to have some of myself also, but ran out. I will have to...

Mail call

A few days ago, I received a postcard in the mail from Sandy during his trip in London. Sandy is an international traveling bear, just as all stuffies should be! Thanks for the postcard By the way, I'm outside on the balcony taking this photo...

Jigsaw puzzle

A beary long time ago, my friend Sandy sent me a jigsaw puzzle. My secretary (before I fired her), had this kept in storage so I am only now just getting to put it together. Anyways, one side of this puzzle is a bear. On the other...

Stuffie Spotlight – Alexander Mackenzie Bear

Hey everyone, this month a beary good friend of mine is in the Stuffie Spotlight. Please welcome Sandy Bear (aka Alexander Mackenzie Bear)! 1) What is your name and where do you live? My name is Alexander Mackenzie Bear, but you can call me Sandy. I'm named after...

Au revoir!

Just like there is only a finite amount of honey in the jar, all good things must come to an end, unfortunately. Today, our friend and stuffie tourist Sandy is leaving to continue on the rest of his journey. "Sandy is leaving today," I announced. "NOOOO!!!" was the...

Our stuffie tourists

As you may or may not know, we currently have a few tourists staying with us after the recent 2016 Cherry Blossom Tour.  The cherry blossom season may have passed this year, but we are lucky to have our guests give us a virtual...

Out for a spin

Hello everyone, we are less than a week away from the peak bloom for the 2016 Cherry Blossom Stuffie Tour!  The weather has been unseasonably warm here so this is a beary early bloom, almost 2 weeks early. As you may know, Sandy is a VIP...


I received a package recently - look who it is from!  Two little bears are drawn on the envelope.  That means it's from Jerry and Ben. Wow, what a haul!  These are my prizes from their 2015 Halloween Costume Contest.  There is candy, some pencils...

Photography scouting badge

Sandy recently hosted a Spring Photography Contest which myself and a few other stuffies entered.  Here is my photo submission, which won First Prize in the Urban category: It was a beary fun contest! Today, my contest prize arrived in the mail.  I can't wait to...

Postcard from London

I received a postcard a couple of days ago from London.  See here, it is a picture of the Tower of London and Tower Bridge.  This must be a card from Beanie Mouse... huh... wait...!! Ah, actually this card is from Sandy who is having a...


My mom mentioned that she had to pick up a few things from the supermarket so I offered to do it today while she was at work.  It's nice to be able to help out with errands sometimes when she is busy. There were some...