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Hi everyone! Today I'm going to show you a Japanese soda called Ramune, have you heard of it? It's a hot and humid day today, so this will be the perfect refreshment! Let's take a...


As you probably know, the humans postponed their Summer Olympics this year due to the pandemic. Now many humans are stuck at home, and from what I've heard, some of them have put on...

Build-A-Bear shopping

Today, I was in for a real treat! My mom told me there was still a balance left on this Build-A-Bear Workshop gift card. Time for some online shopping! Look, Build-A-Bear Workshop is having a...

Chinese lesson

Hi everyone! Today, I'm going to teach you a couple of Chinese words. Learning a new language is fun! Let's start with one of my favorite -- if not my most favorite -- word. You...

Perler bead kit

I received something beary cool in the mail last week from a friend! It was a Perler bead kit with a Super Mario theme! Of course I am wearing my Super Mario hoodie while...


Alright folks, I am super excited to show you my new skateboard! My mom had been working on a secret project for the past couple of days and wouldn't let me peek at it,...

Mail from Sandy

Hey everyone, did you know that Sandy is single-handedly keeping the postal service beary busy? I checked my mailbox yesterday and found two letters from him! The first is this light yellow envelope that has a lot...

Some fun stuff!

Hey everyone! I've got some cool stuff to show you. I received some treats a while ago from a friend but forgot to post about them. I think you're gonna like this stuff! If you...

Magic grow

Hey everyone, my mom found this MAGIC GROW kit today while she was organizing some things. Apparently you just put these little capsules into water and they expand into some fun shapes. Here, we...

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in the USA, so here's a throwback post from several years ago. Thank you to all stuffies (and humans!) who have served in the military!

Meditation class

Hi everyone, hope you're doing well! It seems that things have been more stressful than usual around the world recently, so I decided to sign up for a meditation class to help me relax. I'm here...


Hey, I got some mail today! Mail is always fun and something to look forward to, especially during these past couple of months! First up is a card from Little Fox... wait, no... it's actually...

Surprise package

A couple of days ago, I received a surprise package in the mail. I love getting mail and packages (hint hint) - they are so fun. (Uncle Tibbs is grumbling about bills in the...

May the Fourth Be With You

Do you know what today is? It is a beary special day. Yes, it is Monday. But that's not it. True, it is May 4th... you are getting closer. Any other guesses? No? Well, I guess I'll...

Archaeological dig

Hello everyone! Bear Cub Scout Ajdin here, and today I'm taking part in an archaeological dig. My friend Captain Claude will be helping me out. We had a very successful treasure hunt last time we...


Today I received a card from Sandy Bear in Canada! Look at all the stickers he used on this envelope. Also look at his custom postage stamp! There are more stickers on the back too! Hmm... uh hmmm......


Continued from here Voiceover: "In a city plagued by corruption and evil, it was time for a new superhero. A fearless warrior. A vigilante. An indomitable force to be reckoned with. His name is..." ... uh......


Hello everyone! Today is April 15. In the United States, it is normally the tax filing deadline, but not this year. It's been pushed back until July 15. A couple of years ago, I started a...


I wanted to show you some of the cards I received in the mail. The first card is a handmade Easter card from Droopy that says "HIPSTER HOPSTERS" and has some very hip bunnies on it. Thanks...

Quarantine-At-Home Contest Winner!

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. I received some beary interesting entries for the Quarantine-At-Home Contest. It looks like many of you are keeping your humans busy at home. Make sure they make...