Ooogie’s Race
"Ajdiiiiiin," Ooogie said to me. "I wiiiiiiill beeeeeeee in a raaaaaace toooooday. I hooooooope youuuuuu caaaaaaaan cooooome."
"Sure, Ooogie," I said. "I'll definitely be there." And with that, he turned around and went to get...
The Best Gift
This morning when I woke up, I knew there was something special about today but I couldn't quite remember. I even circled it on the calendar. What was going on today?
Oh! Today is my...
Will it grow? Part 3
Okay, time to check on my flower again. I wonder if it has made any progress since last time.
Hmmm! Oh no! Something is beary wrong. I don't see the sprouts anywhere. Maybe I gave...
Will it grow? Part 2
Hello everyone. It's been a couple of days since I planted the poppy seeds so let's take a look and see if there is any growing action going on.
Hmm! It looks like something is...
Will it grow?
I asked my mom if we could have a garden and she said she is working on that, but she gave me a mini gardening kit to play with in the meantime. I guess...
Beanie mail
I recently was the winner of Beanie Mouse's prize draw - what a lucky bear I am! Look at all the unique things Beanie made. I got lots of cards and bookmarks.
This is my favorite...
Bearthday mail
I received this fun bearthday card from my friends Jerry and Ben. Isn't it cool?
Thanks Jerry and Ben!
Ooogie’s wish
I noticed that Ooogie had been especially quiet lately.
"Ooogie, what's wrong?" I asked. "Is everything alright?"
"Aaaaaaaajdin," Ooogie said. "I wiiiiish I coooulddddd goooo tooo theeeeeeeeeee oooooooocean."
"I'll take you there," I said.
"Reeeeeeeeeeeeeally?" Ooogie asked.
"Sure," I...
Where is everybody?
Yesterday morning, it was beary quiet when I woke up. "Ooogie?" I called. Ooogie was not napping on the bed.
"Uncle Tibbs, where are you?" I called. He was not reading on the sofa.
"MOM???" I...
Bearce Springsteen ♪♫
This morning I heard a loud thump in the living room. I went to see what it was. There was a large bear who had just set down his guitar case. Was it Bear...
Wrestling match
This morning I heard some loud, thundering noises coming from the living room. BOOM BOOM BOOM! As I got closer, I felt the ground shake. It was Uncle Tibbs and King Kong.
"Oh hello, Ajdin,"...
Packing lunch
Since my mom is so good about giving me lots of snacks, I thought I would do something nice for her and make her lunch for her workday tomorrow. I can also blog about...