Pssst! Agent Ajdin here.
A few days ago, I received an urgent TOP SECRET message from Agent Ooogie requesting that I go to H.I.V.E. Headquarters to meet the director! (H.I.V.E. stands for "Honey is Vital for Existence.")
I am at HIVE Headquarters right now waiting to meet the spy director. I have never...
Hey everyone, today I want to blog about --
"Aaaaaagent Aaaaaajdin," said a familiar voice.
"Huh? Ooogie, is that you?" I said.
"Myyyy naaaaame isssss Aaaaaaagent Oooooooogie," he replied.
"Oh yes, of course! Agent Ooogie, it's been a long time!"
"Thissss issss an uuuuuuurgent caaaaaable froooom heeeeeeadquartersssssss."
"Hmm... really urgent,...
Thanks to Little Fox for sponsoring the 1st Stuffie Film Festival! Below is the video that Uncle Tibbs, Ooogie and I filmed. Everyone had great films!
Have a beary good day!