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Tag: rabbits

Ooogie’s Race

"Ajdiiiiiin," Ooogie said to me.  "I wiiiiiiill beeeeeeee in a raaaaaace toooooday.  I hooooooope youuuuuu caaaaaaaan cooooome." "Sure, Ooogie," I said.  "I'll definitely be there."  And with that, he turned around and went to get ready for the race. Now Ooogie is my friend, but I...

Mowing the lawn

"Ajdin, if you are looking for me, I will be outside mowing the lawn," Uncle Tibbs said.  He went outside. Mowing the lawn, I thought.  I had never seen a bear mow the lawn before.  I went outside to take a look. The lawnmower whizzed and whirred. "NOTHING...