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More mail!

Hi everyone! Hope your holidays have been going well so far! I got some fun mail recently that I wanted to share. My secretary handed me a pile of mail that I haven't reviewed yet. First is a Halloween card from Sprinkles the Bear and...


This is a bit late, but I got a fun Easter card from my friend Sandy. What an adorable bunny on this card! Thanks Sandy!  


Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've posted. Lots has been happening and I'll remind my secretary to catch up soon! Here's a recent mail haul from some friends. Ducky will be helping me read the mail. This is a postcard from Sandy who took the...

Mail haul

Hey everyone! Long time no chat! I have a TON of things to catch up on, including several international adventures, but my secretary is a bit *slow*. Here are some mail letters I received a few months ago.   The first is a birthday card from Little...

Beary belated mail post

Hey everyone, wow... is this post late or what? I have a lot of catching up to do with my blog posts, or should I say, my SECRETARY has a lot of work to do! But better late than never (I think)... so here are...


It's been a minute since I checked my mailbox, so let's see what I got, shall we? Alright, some fun mail for me! I'll pass the bills and boring stuff to my mom. First up is a postcard from Little Fox! He is visiting Alaska and sounds...

Holiday mail

I received some awesome holiday cards recently! Let's review them. Oh yeah, I have a new mailing address, so if you want to write, be sure to email me first and I will send you my new address. The first card is from Little Fox. It's...

Mail update

We interrupt this road trip recap with this mail update! I received some cool mail from Sandy! How do I know it's from Sandy? Well, he has his very own postage stamp. I used to have some of myself also, but ran out. I will have to...


I received a card a little while ago from my friend Jessica! I think it was delayed in the mail for a bit, because it's a New Year's greeting card. But, better late than never, right? Look at this absolutely adorable doggie in a...


*something unintelligible* "WOOF?" "Hey Parker, have you seen Ajdin?" *GASPING* "PHEW!! I thought I would never get out from under all that mail!" I said. "We haven't checked the mailbox for many months." Alright, let's open them up and see what we got: - a holiday card from Little Fox with...


I received some postcards from Sandy the other day! Sandy has been beary busy lately serving as tour guide for Rose and Otto. Sandy's garden also has been having a zucchini explosion as of late - we'll be looking forward to all the zucchini recipes he...


Today I received some mail from my friend Sprinkles. It's written on some cute bear stationery. He also included some fun stickers! The letter says that he hopes I am doing well even though things seem to be a bit crazy right now! You...

Mail and presents

I got some awesome mail and presents the other day. Yes, more mail! 😀 I got an envelope from Sandy. It feels very thick so there must be several things in there. Inside is a card and postcard with a sea theme. Hmm, I wonder if there...

Mail call!

I received some fun mail the other day! Getting mail is always fun. "Because you don't have to pay bills," said Uncle Tibbs. Well, I guess that's true. The first piece of mail was from Jerry and Ben. How do I know? From their signature drawing of two...

Mail from Sandy

Hey everyone, did you know that Sandy is single-handedly keeping the postal service beary busy? I checked my mailbox yesterday and found two letters from him! The first is this light yellow envelope that has a lot of stickers on it. The envelope is really shiny and...

Surprise package

A couple of days ago, I received a surprise package in the mail. I love getting mail and packages (hint hint) - they are so fun. (Uncle Tibbs is grumbling about bills in the mail) Okay, let's take a look and see what's inside. It is...


Today I received a card from Sandy Bear in Canada! Look at all the stickers he used on this envelope. Also look at his custom postage stamp! There are more stickers on the back too! Hmm... uh hmmm... oh interesting! Sandy says hello and wants to know how I...


I wanted to show you some of the cards I received in the mail. The first card is a handmade Easter card from Droopy that says "HIPSTER HOPSTERS" and has some very hip bunnies on it. Thanks Droopy! The other card is a beautiful "thinking of you" card...


Teddy Bear holding Chinese New Year card
I got a beary adorable Lunar New Year postcard from Julie Jane Zebra! Next week is Chinese New Year and it will be the year of the rat. Do you know your Chinese zodiac sign? I would like to know why there is no year of...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

A few days ago, I received some nice holiday cards! A beary Christmas card from my friend Sprinkles! What a cute card! Maybe I need a Santa outfit next year. A card from Little Fox - it has two bears getting their Christmas tree set up. Too bad...