Tag: mail
Some mail!
I received a couple of postcards recently, so let's check them out!
The first postcard is from my friend Fritzel in Germany. I hope he had a Merry Christmas!
The second postcard looks beary familiar... why yes... that's Joshua Tree National Park in California. I went...
More mail!
Hi everyone! Hope your holidays have been going well so far! I got some fun mail recently that I wanted to share. My secretary handed me a pile of mail that I haven't reviewed yet.
First is a Halloween card from Sprinkles the Bear and...
Hi everyone! Hope you're having a great summer so far. I'm behind (again) on posting, or should I say my secretary is behind on posting. *sigh* Anyways, here are a couple of postcards I received recently.
The first one is from my friend Sandy who visited Colorado...
This is a bit late, but I got a fun Easter card from my friend Sandy. What an adorable bunny on this card!
Thanks Sandy!
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've posted. Lots has been happening and I'll remind my secretary to catch up soon! Here's a recent mail haul from some friends. Ducky will be helping me read the mail.
This is a postcard from Sandy who took the...
Another mail haul
I'm back with another mail haul! It's so great getting fun mail instead of bills, isn't it?
The first card is a Halloween card from Sprinkles the Bear. Very cute and I hope Sprinkles had a fun Halloween!
The next is a photo card from Little Fox. One...
Mail haul
Hey everyone! Long time no chat! I have a TON of things to catch up on, including several international adventures, but my secretary is a bit *slow*. Here are some mail letters I received a few months ago.
The first is a birthday card from Little...
Beary belated mail post
Hey everyone, wow... is this post late or what? I have a lot of catching up to do with my blog posts, or should I say, my SECRETARY has a lot of work to do!
But better late than never (I think)... so here are...
Catching up!
Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a while! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, followed by a Merry Christmas, and finally a Happy New Year!
Let's catch up on a few things, shall we?
But first, check out this cool jersey I'm wearing. My friend Droopy got...
It's been a minute since I checked my mailbox, so let's see what I got, shall we?
Alright, some fun mail for me! I'll pass the bills and boring stuff to my mom.
First up is a postcard from Little Fox! He is visiting Alaska and sounds...
Mail call
Hello! This is Uncle Tibbs filling in for Ajdin today. The little guy asked me if I could do today's mail call post, so here I am!
We have a couple pieces of mail to review. It looks like they were a bit delayed, but...
Holiday mail
I received some awesome holiday cards recently! Let's review them. Oh yeah, I have a new mailing address, so if you want to write, be sure to email me first and I will send you my new address.
The first card is from Little Fox. It's...
Mail call
I received a postcard from Jerry and Ben the other day. They are on a hiking trip in Wyoming.
This is Devils Tower National Monument. It has a height of 1,267 feet. I wonder how it was formed, perhaps by volcanic rock?
Sounds like they are...
Mail update
We interrupt this road trip recap with this mail update!
I received some cool mail from Sandy!
How do I know it's from Sandy? Well, he has his very own postage stamp. I used to have some of myself also, but ran out. I will have to...
I received a card a little while ago from my friend Jessica! I think it was delayed in the mail for a bit, because it's a New Year's greeting card. But, better late than never, right? Look at this absolutely adorable doggie in a...
*something unintelligible*
"Hey Parker, have you seen Ajdin?"
"PHEW!! I thought I would never get out from under all that mail!" I said. "We haven't checked the mailbox for many months."
Alright, let's open them up and see what we got:
- a holiday card from Little Fox with...
Hey folks, what's up? I received some fun postcards over the past couple of weeks and will be showing you what I got today!
First up is an envelope. Can you tell who it's from? Look closely!
It's Sandy! He has his very own sticker!
Inside was a...
I received some postcards from Sandy the other day! Sandy has been beary busy lately serving as tour guide for Rose and Otto. Sandy's garden also has been having a zucchini explosion as of late - we'll be looking forward to all the zucchini recipes he...
Today I received some mail from my friend Sprinkles. It's written on some cute bear stationery. He also included some fun stickers! The letter says that he hopes I am doing well even though things seem to be a bit crazy right now! You...
Mail and presents
I got some awesome mail and presents the other day. Yes, more mail! 😀
I got an envelope from Sandy. It feels very thick so there must be several things in there.
Inside is a card and postcard with a sea theme. Hmm, I wonder if there...