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I feel like... ... like I'm being watched! Oh hey there! Ajdin Salmonfisher here. By now, you're probably heard that the new STAR WARS movie is out in theaters! I'm just getting my tickets online using Fishdango, and trying to stay away from spoilers on the internet. Are...

Star Wars Puzzle

Hey everyone, I've got a fun Star Wars puzzle here! But before I can start working on it, I have to do a quick costume change. I'll be right back! *POOF* Ajdin Salmonfisher, at your service! Let's open the puzzle pouch with the lightsaber. *ZING* A wave of my...

Movie theater

I went to the movie theater last month to see SALMON WARS: THE FISH AWAKENS.  Have you seen it yet?  If you haven't, I won't give any spoilers here, so you can relax. Here I am going to the movie theater.  My mom got tickets...

Jedi Jello part 2

Hi everyone!  I'm back with the final Jedi Jello reveal.  I have been beary patient waiting for the Jello to set and now it is time to eat the Jello! I suppose I could always use my lightsaber to slice and dice the Jello into...

Jedi Jello

Hmm, where is it?  I thought I put it back in the dresser. I'm looking for my Jedi robe... where did it go? Without it, I can't do today's blog post. "Mom, have you seen my Jedi robe?" I asked. Ah, she has it!  She took it to...

SALMON WARS: Jedi Training Makes Me Hungry

(For the previous episode of Salmon Wars, click here) Master Oooda and I - Ajdin Salmonfisher - were working on my continued training with the Fish.  It was beary hard work and I began to get hungry.  My tummy rumbled. "Master Oooda," I said.  "I sense a...

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

There once was a little bear named Ajdin Salmonfisher.  He lived on the planet Tatooine as a bee farmer (not a bad gig, huh?)  Still, he wanted to search for something more.  One day, he found an interesting looking object on the ground. "Hmm... what's...