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Stuffie Spotlight: Droopy W. Dog

My friend Droopy is in the Stuffie Spotlight! Check out his fascinating interview below! 1)  What is your name and where do you live? My name is Droopy W. Dog.  Everyone always wonders what the "W" stands for.  I've tried to keep it a secret, but my human...

Sinjin’s Bearthday Present

Perhaps you might remember my friend Sinjin the sock monkey.  Here is a picture of us if you forgot what he looked like: Sinjin's bearthday is coming up soon so I am going to send him a little present.  I thought he might like some...

Meet my friend Sinjin

I would like you to meet my friend Sinjin.  Sinjin is a monkey, a sock monkey to be exact.  I met Sinjin for the first time when his mom was visiting my mom.  I saw a long dangling tail sticking out of his mom's...