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Tag: driving

Backseat driver

I noticed we were running low on honey so I'm going to take a ride in my car to the grocery store. Wanna come? It's a great day for a spin! "Are you going to the store, Ajdin?" asked Miss Feathers. "I need some birdseed." "Hop in...

Hot Wheels car

Hey, do you want to see something really cool? Of course you do! I've been beary good lately so my mom got me a red Hot Wheels car! It looks just like my real car. It's basically a perfect replica, don't you think? VROOM VROOM!! Okay, so there...

Traffic Ticket

When I woke up this morning, I saw that it was a beautiful day outside. I decided to go for a drive in my car. Hello car. I have yet to give my car a name - any ideas? I got in my car and buckled...

Out for a spin

Hello everyone, we are less than a week away from the peak bloom for the 2016 Cherry Blossom Stuffie Tour!  The weather has been unseasonably warm here so this is a beary early bloom, almost 2 weeks early. As you may know, Sandy is a VIP...