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Tag: costume

Halloween 2022

Hi everyone, I'm a few days late with this post, but I wanted to share my entry to Jerry and Ben's 12th Annual Halloween Contest. I could have been a superhero... an astronaut... a firefighter... but no... I was not any of those things. My mom thought...

Halloween costume

Hey there! Do you want to see my Halloween costume for this year? Yes? Okay, here it is... I am a bottle of hand sanitizer! Very fitting for this year! And the dispenser hat fits me perfectly! I can't wait to see all of your costumes in Jerry and Ben's...


Continued from here Voiceover: "In a city plagued by corruption and evil, it was time for a new superhero. A fearless warrior. A vigilante. An indomitable force to be reckoned with. His name is..." ... uh... I am... uh... hmm! What's my superhero name? Okay, I guess...

Trash to Treasure Contest!

costume made of garbage trash
Hello folks, I am excited to announce a new contest! This is called the Trash to Treasure Contest. The theme is repurposing good, old-fashioned TRASH into something new! You can make a costume, art, or anything, but it has to be made out of trash. Contest Rules: 1) Entries...

Happy Halloween!

Jerry and Ben hosted the annual Halloween Costume and Pumpkin Carving Contest of 2019! My costume for this year is... a sushi platter! I love sushi so much that I decided to dress up as sushi. A sushi meal would not be complete without some soy sauce, wasabi,...

Halloween 2017

Hello everyone! This is a couple days late, but my friends Jerry and Ben were hosting their annual Halloween costume contest and I decided to enter. Last year, I was a nerd. Here's my costume for this year from the back. Do you have any guesses? No guesses? Okay,...

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! My costume this year is A NERD. Thanks to Jerry & Ben for hosting the annual Halloween costume contest! Let's take a closer look at my costume. First, I have glasses held together with duct tape. You can never go wrong with duct...

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!  Jerry and Ben recently hosted a Halloween costume contest and there were many great costumes!  I was lucky to win 2nd place.  Here I am... ELVIS BEARSLEY! Thanks to Jerry and Ben for hosting this contest.  Thank you, thank you beary much! (My mom made...