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Tag: astrobear

OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD Kaleidoscope Kit

Hello everyone! If you're wondering why I'm wearing my astrobear suit today, it's NOT because I'm going to outer space today, but because we are going to make an OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD KALEIDOSCOPE! Yes, I have right here in my little paws a very cool kaleidoscope kit...

Tesla Roadster in space

A couple of years ago, Elon Musk launched his Tesla Roadster into space. I thought it was a beary good idea also!

Space suit

teddy bear in an astronaut suit
Hello everyone! I am beary excited today as I have been summoned here to NASA Headquarters. As you might know, I applied to be an astrobear several years ago. It looks like things are finally moving on their part and I have been selected to move forward in...

Astronaut ice cream

Recently, my friend Droopy sent me a package in the mail. I couldn't believe what was inside - it was outta this world! It was astronaut ice cream! Since I am in training to become an astrobear, these freeze-dried snacks will be very delicious to eat...


NASA HEADQUARTERS (NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION) "Commander Tibbs, have you made a decision yet?" "We have received hundreds, perhaps thousands of applications for the astrobear training program, but I'm not sure if we've found our new astrobear yet, Flight Engineer Feathers." "Some of these candidates are qualified,...

Model Rocket Ship: Part 2

Hi everyone! We're back. The model rocket ship has been glued together is now dry. It's ready to paint.  I have the best assistant here to help me. "Woof!" Look at all these paint colors! I'm going to get straight to work! Some details on the wings will be...

Model Rocket Ship

"Weeellll, thaaaat waaaaas theeeee laaaaast quesssstion foooor yooooour astrooooobeeear inteeeeerview," said Ooogie. "Phew!" I said. "That took a long time!" "I wiiiiiill suuuubmiiiit youuuur paaaapeeeerwoooork riiiiight awaaaaay." He turned to leave. Oh hello there! In case you're wondering what that was about, Ooogie finally finished my interview...

Space dreams

This afternoon I felt like drawing, so I got out a piece of paper and my box of crayons. I just started to let my paws draw whatever they wanted.  I felt like drawing a rocket ship. "Hey Ajdin, whatcha doing?" asked Uncle Tibbs. "I am drawing...

Rocket ship

Today I was relaxing on my astrobear sleeping bag that I won in Julie Jane Zebra's photo contest earlier this year.  I was daydreaming about going to outer space one day. Then my mom came by with an arts and crafts project for me. It was a...

Sleeping bag

Recently, Julie Jane Zebra hosted a winter photo contest that I entered.  All of the photo entries in this contest were really great!  Here is my photo entry called Ice Fishing: I was so beary surprised to learn that I won first place in this contest...