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Halloween card

I got a Halloween card in the mail from my friend Droopy! It has some foam candy corn stickers, and the stickers on the right with the pumpkin, car, and witch are made of cork. Pretty...

Pumpkin decorating

Hey everyone, hope you're having a good day! I got a pumpkin to decorate a couple of days ago. It's the perfect size for me, don't you think? Right now, I'm thinking of different ways...

Roadside assistance

I haven't driven my car in a while, so I thought I would give it a spin today. Let's go for a ride! I got in my car and buckled up. Safety is very important! When...


Hey folks, what's up? I received some fun postcards over the past couple of weeks and will be showing you what I got today! First up is an envelope. Can you tell who it's from?...


FOLKS, IT'S HERE! IT'S EVEN BIGGER THAN SHARK WEEK! IT'S FAT BEAR WEEK! https://explore.org/fat-bear-week  

Drawing from a friend!

Hello everyone! I'm so excited to share this drawing my friend Martin drew of me and Uncle Tibbs! We love it! Ah it's perfect! Go check out his website at www.martindraws.com.  

STUFFIE SPOTLIGHT: Emily Harkess and Hermione Beare

Today we are introducing some new friends to the STUFFIE SPOTLIGHT. Please welcome EMILY HARKESS and HERMIONE BEARE! (Fun fact: Hermione Beare is my cousin.) 1) What is your name and where do you live? My...




I received some postcards from Sandy the other day! Sandy has been beary busy lately serving as tour guide for Rose and Otto. Sandy's garden also has been having a zucchini explosion as of late -...


Today is my bearthday! Although I'm staying home to celebrate, I can still hang out with my friends and have a little party! "HAPPY BEARTHDAY AJDIN!" "Thank you!" I said. "Okay, turn around Ajdin, and don't look...

Bedtime story

"Hi Uncle Tibbs, can you read me a bedtime story?" I asked. "Sure, Ajdin," he replied. I handed him the book Little Bear's Visit. "Oh, it's the Little Bear series! I always loved reading these when I was...


Today I received some mail from my friend Sprinkles. It's written on some cute bear stationery. He also included some fun stickers! The letter says that he hopes I am doing well even though...

Ooogie’s New Job

...CONTINUED FROM HERE After Ooogie told me about getting fired from McDonald's for being too slow, I reached out to a few contacts and was able to help him find a new job - one more...

Ooogie gets fired

This morning, I was looking for Ooogie but could not find him anywhere. Then I saw him -- or just his shell -- in the living room. "Hello?" I said, tapping the shell gently. "Is...


Thank you to all the amazing stuffie athletes who participated in this summer's Olympic games! There were so many entries. I'm glad to know that we stuffies continued with our Olympic tradition. You inspired...

Mail and presents

I got some awesome mail and presents the other day. Yes, more mail! 😀 I got an envelope from Sandy. It feels very thick so there must be several things in there. Inside is a card and...

New outfit!

IT'S FINALLY HERE! I ordered some things from Build-a-Bear a couple weeks ago and it is FINALLY here! I guess stuffie orders aren't immune to COVID shipping delays, but I'm glad it's finally here! Look - I got...

Olympic torch

Hey everyone, last week I annonced the Stuffie 2020 Summer Olympics! But I forgot something very important about it. We forgot to light the Olympic torch! I wonder where the torch is now? Anyways, while we wait...

Teddy Bears Ride Roller Coaster

Have you seen this awesome video of fellow teddy bears riding a roller coaster in Walibi Holland, a theme park in the Netherlands? It's a must watch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40Yu56fAxXg

Mail call!

I received some fun mail the other day! Getting mail is always fun. "Because you don't have to pay bills," said Uncle Tibbs. Well, I guess that's true. The first piece of mail was from Jerry and Ben....