


Today, we are going on a trip to view some wild Texas bluebonnets. These are the state flowers of Texas.

I tried to grow some from seeds, but none of them made it this year. Fortunately, I have found a nice patch of wildflowers today!

Yep, these are bluebonnets alright! They really do look like a bonnet when you take a look up close. There are also some red flowers in this patch. They are called Indian Paintbrush or prairie-fire flowers.

I wonder what this yellow flower is.

Viewing wildflowers is such a popular springtime activity here that many tourists will do anything to get the perfect photo. Sometimes this trespassing annoys the property owners so that they have to mow down the beautiful flowers to stop them from coming. But today, we have found a very generous and kind owner who opened their family farm to everyone for free.

The weather also worked out today!

“HEY YOU!” said a familiar voice behind me.

“Let me guess,” I said, without turning around. “Droopy?”

“Yeah, it’s me! Funny seeing you here. Again.”

If you have been following my blog, you’ll know that Droopy and I seem to have the same travel agent.

This tractor is awesome! I think I need one of these for my farm.

And these bales of hay are huge!

The bluebonnets have a light, sweet smell to them. I see bees buzzing around too!

It was such a beautiful day looking for wildflowers!


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